Top 5 Attributes of a Great EmployeeBy: Kriss Barlow, RN, MBA

Checklists are really popular these days. You review a list of attributes to determine where you stand and in the process, perhaps you learn something about yourself. As I read a few of the recent checklists, one made me think about great team members- mine and those I get to work with in my client relationships. I started the list, but I am interested in your perspectives. What would you add?

  • 1.       Good thinker

I just love a good brain.  For me, a good thinker is thoughtful and works hard to comprehend, consider solutions and brings their brain to the job. Good staff do what they are told, while great staff look beyond and consider the possibilities.  It’s that person that says, “What’s your goal, rather than what do you want me to do.” When issues confront them, they are your “go-to” people for working out a solution. When they give you the solution, you trust it because you know they took the time to get it right.

2.       Makes US look good

Beyond the ability to make the boss look good, I like to see the team member look good too. They sometimes do this by being timely, or by looking further into the data when they see a nuance, or perhaps it is that they give you details and background before a conversation that makes you look more prepared than you actually are! Their thoughtful approach, ability to position themselves and striving to do better are great attributes.  A great employee doesn’t try to one-up the boss; they have my back. It’s a finesse skill that I really admire.

  • 3.       Confident

Did this one make the list because of all the time I spend with field sales staff?  Maybe.  I admit that I feel better around people who demonstrate confidence. Great employees take the time to prepare and when they give you their report or a recommendation, they are confident in their results.  I like to see it but I really need to feel it.  I am that boss who’s better at telling you what I want as an end result so my best match is an individual who can just push forward to create the path and get it done; they are confident.

  • 4.       Passionate about what we do

This one may have started with my early career in patient care. Healthcare is a humbling profession and our business is really about improving the human experience. Great staff are passionate about the work of healthcare. I see this in how they approach their days- sometimes doing that little extra something for a co-worker or a doctor.  Great staff members find ways to get important messages heard. They are able to tell the story in a way that generates impact for their audience. The final way I see passion is in the ability to enjoy their jobs- a little laughter is an essential.  Please laugh with me.

  • 5.       Wear the Brand

In the world of physician relations, people are the face of the brand as they work with practices, service line leaders and the community.  Great employees understand this part of the role and they wear it proudly in their professional demeanor and their interactions with others. They know just how far to push, and when to say, time to step back.

OK, what attributes did I miss?  Are there other characteristics of great staff that you think rise to the top?  Do attributes change by job category? Is a field sales list different than a marketer or strategic planners list?   Weigh in and share your perspectives on this one.