By: Kriss Barlow, RN, MBA |

Welcome to Monday Morning Minute, our goal is to get your week started on the right foot with a little bit of motivation, inspiration or some simple suggestions. This week we are talking about Internal Positioning. To access the audio version of this weeks message click the play button on the player below or download the message via the link.

Monday Morning Minute:

Work to earn expert positioning with your organization. Offer objective, timely and meaningful information that demonstrates your expertise. Keep in mind you lose the advantage in a heartbeat in this field if you pretend to be an expert in something you’re not. Carve out your niche area of expertise and use the power and information wisely.

Audio version:


If you are having trouble with the audio player you can download the audio file here: Barlow/McCarthy Monday Morning Minute – 4/24/2023.

As always please feel free to reach out ( with any questions or if you just want more detail on the short post above. We would love to discuss it further! Have a great week!