Physician Relations Retool: Basics are Still Essential

Physician Relations Retool: Basics are Still Essential

It is an interesting time in the market. With so much attention to the potential changes in how we are paid, how we work with doctors and how we determine the right value and the right volumes, do programs launch and/or do existing programs attempt to enhance their...

New Website for Barlow/McCarthy

Welcome to the NEW Barlow/McCarthy website. We have worked hard to make things easier for you to find as well as adding some excellent resources to help you along the way. The most notable addition to our site is our new blog. We are looking forward to sharing our...

Is Physician Turnover a Result of Too Much Choice?

By: Allison McCarthy, MBA Could it really be that we are our own worst enemies?  That we encourage physician turnover by offering so much practice choice for physicians? Given the multitudes of offerings in nearly every inch of the country and beyond, we believe...

Using the Best Tools for the Job for Physician Recruitment

By: Tony Barlow, Managing Consultant/Digital Lead When it comes to recruiting physicians there is often A LOT of data. Lists of physicians, lists of residency programs, lists of residents, etc. Organizing and using the data to its fullest can be a challenge,...