Is Your Recruitment Team at Championship Level?

Is Your Recruitment Team at Championship Level?

By: Mitzi Kent, RN, BSN | Like many of you, I was glued to my TV watching the Super Bowl teams compete for the ultimate Vince Lombardi trophy. I was amazed with both teams – their determination, resilience and dedication to the sport was...
Elevate your Organization’s Recruitment Strategy

Elevate your Organization’s Recruitment Strategy

By: Mitzi Kent, RN, BSN | What got you here won’t get you there. Most of us are familiar with this phrase. I often think about it when I have been tasked with a project that I have done many times, but now the results I am getting are...
Communicating with Physicians When Slow Seasons Arrive

Communicating with Physicians When Slow Seasons Arrive

By: Tony Barlow | Communicating with physicians in some fashion is at the heart of our work whether that is recruitment, relations or onboarding. If you have been at it a while, you may have noticed that the amount of attention your writing...
Does Your Physician Relations Strategy Need an Update?

Does Your Physician Relations Strategy Need an Update?

By: Susan Boydell | We work hard day-to-day, week-to-week delivering on the activities our roles require of us. We work toward the goals our leaders have set for us. So, how do we know if we have the right strategy and tactics to achieve...
Does Strategy Matter for Relationship Sales?

Does Strategy Matter for Relationship Sales?

By: Kriss Barlow, RN, MBA | Referral growth is a very effort-driven, tactical obligation. Many conversations are centered on visit cadence, quality messaging and the ability to demonstrate results. Where does strategy fit in and how will it...

Stretch Your Data Side in Physician Relations

By: Kriss Barlow, RN, MBA | “Companies that utilize a data-driven sales strategy boast better productivity and profitability.” – Dan Scalco Data can have a polarizing effect on the field staff. Some reps love using and working...