Embracing Challenges: A Path to Growth and Learning

Embracing Challenges: A Path to Growth and Learning

By: Susan Boydell | sboydell@barlowmccarthy.com The role of a physician relations field rep or leader is woven with a myriad of challenges, each presenting an opportunity for personal and professional growth. By facing and overcoming these challenges, we truly...
Making the Boss Look Good

Making the Boss Look Good

By: Kriss Barlow, RN, MBA | kbarlow@barlowmccarthy.com Are you a team player? I bet we all answer an emphatic “Yes!” when asked that question.  But, does the answer change when we expand “team” to include the broader organization and more senior leaders? Lifting up...
Everyday Grace in the Field Staff Role

Everyday Grace in the Field Staff Role

By: Kriss Barlow, RN, MBA | kbarlow@barlowmccarthy.com On occasion, we all have one of “those” days where it seems that people just feel compelled to push our buttons. Admittedly, some of us might have more ‘pushable’ buttons than others! Our roles have high...